If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Why We’re Thankful for the Dentist

Thankful Dental Graphic

It’s that time of the year when we take stock of what we’re thankful for.

Even in a turbulent year, there’s plenty that goes on that list, from our families and friends to new skills we’ve developed, and we hope that hard-working dental professionals are included for a lot of people!

Healthy Smiles Come Easier With Modern Dentistry

Before you scoff at the idea of putting dentists on a list of things to be grateful for, hear us out. It’s not just about the treatment we receive at our dental exams; it’s more than that. Dentists have led the charge for good dental habits and awareness of the harm sugar can do to our teeth and gums. Let’s go over just a few of the things that are widely understood these days thanks to dentists.

The Importance of a Daily Dental Health Routine

All our lives, we’ve heard dentists tell us to brush twice a day for two full minutes and to floss daily. This is because neglecting to brush and floss or not doing a thorough job allows plaque to build up, calcify into tartar, and increase the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. However, it’s also important to be gentle with the floss and not to brush too hard, because overbrushing can be a problem as well. That’s why dentists recommend soft-bristled brushes!

How We Keep Our Smiles Bright and Breath Fresh

Dentists also help us out with great tips for how to keep our breath fresh, like making sure to include scraping our tongues in our daily hygiene routines. Lots of bacteria can get trapped in the rough surface of the tongue, so we should be cleaning it off regularly using tongue scrapers! (Simply using a toothbrush for that won’t be very effective.)

Another important way to keep our breath fresh is to cut back on our sugar consumption, because that’s smelly oral bacteria’s favorite food! We should also be breathing through our noses whenever possible, because mouth-breathing dries out our mouths, leaving us with less saliva to wash away unpleasant smells.

Regular Dental Check-Ups Matter!

The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is absolutely true when it comes to dental health. Regular dental exams (meaning every six months) are the best way to catch little problems before they can become big (and expensive). Good to know!

It Goes Both Ways: We’re Thankful for Our Patients!

We’re so grateful that we get to play a role in keeping our patients’ smiles healthy! We hope the remainder of the year is wonderful for all of you and that you have many opportunities to show off your gorgeous smiles.

We look forward to seeing you!

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.