If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Don’t Take Dental Advice From TikTok!

Unless the dentist is an active TikTok user, it’s not a good idea to get dental health advice from social media.

We’ve noticed a lot of dangerous DIY ideas popping up so let’s take a minute to nip them in the bud.

1. “Healthy Soda”

No soda is truly healthy for teeth, as the bubbles in soda come from acid and teeth are highly vulnerable to acid erosion. Sparkling water and balsamic vinegar (the combo in the trend) do not make a healthier soda alternative because that’s just two acids mixed together!

2. “Veneers Check”

Some TikTok users are filing their own teeth down to pegs prior to crown restorations. PLEASE do not do this. It can lead to nerve damage or the need for root canals and can even lead to previously healthy teeth needing to be pulled. Teeth don’t even get filed down before veneers anyway!

3. Home Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening

Swishing 3% hydrogen peroxide is not a good way to whiten teeth. It can cause long-lasting sensitivity and gum irritation. Go to the dentist for whitening recommendations and good results!

4. DIY Braces

It takes orthodontists years of education and training to learn how to effectively move teeth into their correct positions; this is not something a random TikTok user can figure out with rubber bands and paper clips. DIY braces lead to bad results and sometimes tooth loss!

Trust the Professionals

Trusting random people on the internet over the actual experts is very dangerous and could have permanent consequences for your dental health.It takes dentists years of study and practice to become qualified to look after patients’ teeth. The people promoting these harmful trends are just making wild guesses.

When is your next dental checkup?

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.