If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Health Benefits Come With Smiling More!

Of course we smile when we feel happy.

What’s interesting is that there’s evidence to show that the link between smiling and happiness might go both ways — the simple act of smiling can make us feel a little better! Even a fake smile releases endorphins (the feel-good hormone), so it might be worth smiling in the face of a rough day; it might just improve.

Endorphins: The Body’s Stress-Reliever

That simple endorphin boost from smiling gives us a lot of other benefits far beyond a mood boost. Endorphins reduce pain and relieve stress because they function a lot like painkillers. Unlike painkillers, however, they don’t cause side effects!

The Effects Aren’t Just Short-Term!

Over time, endorphins can have cumulative positive effects on our health. The simple habit of smiling more can lead to long-term health benefits such as increased resilience against illnesses and a decreased risk of getting cancer. The better we are at managing our stress, the fewer stress-induced mutations our cells will go through, making cancer less likely.

Studies show that people perceive smiling faces to be younger and more attractive, but a lifetime of regular smiling and the benefits it brings can actually contribute to living longer. And it’s easier to smile confidently with healthy teeth and gums!

The Dentist Is Your Ally for a Healthy Smile

The dentist is your biggest ally when it comes to having a smile you’re happy to show off. Make regular cleanings and exams a priority so that you can get that deep clean feeling and stay ahead of any problems that may come up.

We always have a smile for our patients!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.