If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Core Values at Braydich Dental

  • Do No Harm
    At Braydich Dental, our commitment to our patients begins with doing no harm. Our goal is to treat people comfortably and capably, and to ensure that their health is improved after visiting us. We “do no harm” by keeping up to date with not just the latest techniques and developments in dentistry, but the training that is necessary to deliver the new treatment in a safe, qualified manner. We “do no harm” by being accountable to our patients and team members.
  • “WOW” Experience
    At Braydich Dental, we strive to create a “WOW” experience for our team and patients. Our goal is to create a work environment that is fun, challenging, social, and giving. Our office never turns down an offer to help our community or an individual. We are here to help others. We work hard to create an environment that “WOWS” our patients, by providing exceptional care and a warm, caring atmosphere that is supported by friendly smiles, kind words, and random acts of kindness. We do everything we can to ensure our patient receives what they want in a dental office and then some. Our goal is for our patients to leave our office saying: “that is the best dental experience I have ever had.”
  • Be Better Everyday
    At Braydich Dental, each day our journey in helping others continues. Our goal is to get better every day, own up to our mistakes, say I’m sorry, and be intentional about getting better. We are a relational office – the more we know about our team and our patients, the better we can serve them. Our team’s individual journeys are important to us. Our goal is to create a work environment that is conducive to career growth. We want our employees to be free in pursuing more education and training and will provide compensation for them to reach those goals. The better our team is, the better we serve our patients.
  • One-Stop Shopping
    At Braydich Dental, we understand that patients don’t want to be shuffled back and forth from dental office to dental office to get the desired treatment completed. Our goal is to provide a “One-Stop Shop” for all their dental needs. It is very satisfying to see the relief on patients’ faces when they ask the question: “Can you do all this here?”, and we say YES! We are constantly looking for new team members to fill the gaps within our practice to make this goal a reality.
  • Say “YES”
    At Braydich Dental, we know that patients are confronted daily with being told that they can’t have this, or they can’t have that; or we don’t do that, or we don’t have time for that! People are constantly being told no! Our goal is to say YES! Can I come in after work? Yes! Can I get my teeth cleaned, too? Yes! Can I get this to work in my budget? Yes! We understand that this presents a great challenge to our team and that is why our team is so special. Our team knows the more we say “YES” to them, the more they will say “Yes” to us.
  • Long-lasting Relationships
    At Braydich Dental, we know that consumerism, looking for the best deal, is trying to overtake customer loyalty. Our goal is to provide our patients with great care and caring to ensure a long-lasting relationship with our office. Customer loyalty allows us to provide more complete care for our patients, resulting in a healthier lifestyle for them. It is extremely important to our office that we make sure our patients leave with their next appointment scheduled and that we keep in touch with them until we see them again.