If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Orthodontics for Teens & Adults

You can achieve a straighter smile at Braydich Dental by choosing clear aligners for your orthodontic journey. An orthodontic consultation at Braydich Dental can help determine which treatment plan is your best option for the smile you want.

Types of Orthodontic Procedures

Clear Aligners

Invisalign Clear AlignerClear aligners are made of a clear, flexible plastic that moves teeth into a better position by applying careful, controlled force. Wearing the custom-made clear aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place without any metal brackets or wires. Also, clear aligners can be removed when eating, unlike braces, so there are no diet restrictions. You simply switch to a new set of aligners every few weeks and visit our office approximately every six weeks during treatment to check progress. The best part about clear aligners is people won’t even know you’re wearing them!


At Braydich Dental, we trust ClearCorrect® aligners as the expert’s choice for your smile. Custom-made just for you, these aligners leverage cutting-edge innovation and doctor-developed technology to deliver a personalized orthodontic experience that’s discreet, fast, and comfortable. Compared to traditional wires and brackets, ClearCorrect® aligners are proven to provide superior comfort. They also apply less initial pressure than other aligners, ensuring your comfort from the very beginning. With our advanced technology, we guarantee a custom fit tailored to your unique dental needs.

Contact Braydich Dental for Your Orthodontic Needs

Braydich Dental has the experience and equipment necessary to perform several cosmetic dental procedures in our office in Hubbard. For more information, please schedule an appointment with your dentist, and we will be in touch with you shortly.