If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort, contact us immediately for urgent, same-day dental care.

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Warranty Policy

Some of our dental work is guaranteed if you, as the patient, continue to come in for regular check ups & cleanings (3-, 4- or 6-month intervals) and receive a fluoride treatment, recommended to prevent root and enamel decay, to maintain the health of your natural teeth. Without insurance coverage, the charge for a fluoride treatment is $20.00, which means your dental work is guaranteed for a small amount paid a few times a year compared to thousands of dollars to replace a crown or filling in the chance that it fails.

If a dental filling is the recommended treatment of choice and it fails or breaks under normal use, we will replace or repair it for a period of 2 years after initial placement. If the tooth breaks in this 2-year period, and now requires a crown, we will credit the cost of the filling towards the cost of the crown.

We will warranty these procedures for a full 5 years. We will replace or repair them at no charge during this 5-year period if they crack or decay with normal use. This does not include accidents that could break normal, healthy teeth.

Root canal treatment is about 95% successful. They do occasionally fail. If you lose your tooth within 1 year due to failure of the root canal, we will apply the root canal fee as a credit towards the extraction or replacement option.

We will repair or replace sealants for a period of 2 years after initial placement. Sealants are a flowing material that covers the exposed grooves in the teeth that are hard to keep clean. They help to prevent decay in the pits and grooves of the teeth, and could be recommended for all ages!

Seal & protect is used to help protect the exposed root surfaces of the teeth. That surface is different than the enamel and more susceptible to cavities and especially sensitivity. It is a clear varnish that chemically bonds to the teeth and fills in the dentinal tubules to control sensitivity and prevent cavities. Will replace within 1 year with natural wear, after 1 year the patient will be charged half price to redo.

NOTE: As you can see, we are confident in the durability of our treatment as prescribed for you. The primary key to your long-term success is spending a few minutes everyday on your homecare, brushing, flossing, and using fluoride and/or prescribed products. The second key to success is maintaining regular professional recare appointments which include an examinations, cleaning, necessary x-rays, and any necessary fluoride treatments. The interval between these appointments will vary depending on each patient’s individual dental health needs, and can be every 3-, 4-, or 6-months. This warranty does not cover accidents that causes damage to the teeth or dental prothesis.